Thursday, 14 April 2011

Animation Part 3

i animated the forks of the arms turing the box over to the correct way up and this was effective once i stopped the arms scaleing.

the body of the truck shifts from right to left to help show the shift in body weight when turign the box over

once the box is the correct way up it gently falls and rocks to a stand still. the body then continues to rotate to show that effort has been put into it to turn it over

when the forks then slide underneath to pick up the box the box rotates to the angle of the fork lift arms.

the truck then fully backs up and a link constraint is used to pull the box with the truck as it moves.

after the box falls off the truck the truck pulls a puzzled face and then evil eyes. and reverses up to the box.

again as the box is picked up it tilts. and then the truck flicks is in frustration. which gives him a bit of a anger release.

as the forks move upwards the box moves up and rotates as the arms were only partially undernearth the box.

the arms go throgh over rotation and follow through once the box is free of the arms.

as the box lands it almost flips over onto the right way up. and rocks to a stand still.

the truck and more boxes then go through the 1 frame postion move to the next scene.

the truck quickly moves and shunts the box into the row of aligned boxes.

it moves in and begins to lift the box up.

the right arm roates roudn to put the box at a crooked angle.

moves the box over the row and flips it to the correct orientation.

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