Sunday 27 February 2011

body language - storyboard related

Body Language Signs Of Anger And Resistance

Their fists are clenched.
Their hands or feet are tapping.
One hand is clutching the other hand, arm, or elbow.
Their arms are crossed over the chest.
Their eyes are blinking constantly.
Collar pulled away from the neck, like letting some air in during a hot day in the summer.
They kick the dust or air.
Their arms are vertically placed on the table while the hands are gripping the edge. Beware when they do this because it might mean something like You better get this done or else! or Better listen or youll regret this!

Body Language Signs Exhibiting Confidence/Authority and Power

They maintain firm eye contact and rarely looks on other body parts underneath the nose.
They speak with a low-pitched, slow-paced, downward-inflected voice.
Chin tilted upwards.
Chest projected outwards.
They maintain an erect posture, whether standing or sitting.
They sit in reverse, with the back of the chair serving as their support or shield. People who sit in this position are known to be bossy and aggressive.
Their hands are clenched behind the back.
Their hands are placed beside the hips.
They have a firm handshake, palms pointing downwards.
They lean back with both hands supporting the head.
They move with precision and with no hesitation.
They walk solidly with forceful arm swings.

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